Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 1: Diary of a Wimp

My first video diary to document my lame Kortelopet Odyssey did not go well. I am much better behind a camera than in front of one. I have decided that I have a goofy face and an even goofier voice.

I planned to ski today, but the weather was supposed to be below zero and besides - I put Retinol on my face today and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to expose my skin to the sun. I went out to take a picture of our outdoor thermometer, to prove my point, but it's reading at 40 degrees F. So something must be wrong with it. But just in case, I decided to play it safe and avoid going back outside.

Instead, I ate a large bowl of cheesy rice while I thought over my training game-plan. I decided on a little Wii fit action: Julian's Total Body (aka Totally Awkward and Painful) Workout. I completed about 1/3 of it before I started to beg for mercy. I'll let you know how I'm feeling in the morning. Did you know that you should brush your teeth before you eat so that you are less likely to eat? She honestly has this as one of her training tips. Honestly. That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Because what goes so well with mint? Chocolate, of course.

OK. Let's talk tomorrow.

ps. Thanks for all of your hilarious and encouraging comments. Guinifer, if you catch my shiny spandex bubble-butt on film, I may have to hurt you with my US size 13 aluminum knitting needles.


PJS said...

Why dont you try yoga followed by wii fit... you'd be all stretched out and you'd exercise easier.

I'm with you on the mint choc... i love fondant mint creamy things or crunchy minty things in chocolate.

Anne Marie said...

LOL!!! Mint and chocolate: you are killing me!

I am impressed that you are thinking of doing "korteløpet" (the short trail/race)! 23km is more than enough. I have a friend who do the birkebeinerløpet every year; by ski, by bike and by running. They must be insane!

Let us know how things are going, and good luck!!!

livnletlrn said...

Oh, yes, certainly you should not train for a winter race when it's cold outside. In January. In Minnesota.

That is a most wise choice, o nearing-40 one.



It's easy to put the suede bottoms on the slippers, although I would agree about the tedious part. Worth it, though, so nobody breaks their neck on slippery floors, and because the soles give the slippers a longer life span. I got this pair at my lys, the pair for Scott's older slippers from Webs (yarn.com), and I think they can also be ordered from fibertrends.com. A little 'spensive, but again, worth it, I think.

Since Blogger refuses to forward your/anybody's email addy w/ comments, this is the only way I can reply, unless you LMK your email addy directly. Mine is in my blog profile. Of course, I know you'll have no time for such nonsense now that you're working your birkebeiner off.

Guinifer said...

Well young Missy, I am sure you will not even know I am there with my brand, spanky new camera!

Heather said...

OMG, I'm doing the whole LOL thing about the mint and chocolate together!! I never thought of it that way (and only a skinny bitch personal trainer would think that way!!).
