Monday, January 25, 2010

Help me Lord Jesus

I turn forty this year. Sometime just after summer solstice. No biggy, since I tell myself that I am actually living out my fortieth year as we speak. When I turn forty, I'll actually be entering my 41st year. See? Not so bad. . . . right? right?

Anyway, why am I telling you this? It's customary to do something big for your 40th year? So I went and signed up for the North American Birkebeiner. My husband skis this 54K race every year and I stand and watch the finish with a cup of hot coffee, toe and hand warmers, cowbell and a smug look of satisfaction that I would never be foolish enough to strap on skinny skis and wear spandex leggings that flatter no one. Trust me . . . no one.

I have never played a sport. I have only run two 5K races in my entire life. The first time, I complained the entire race and alienated my family and friends. The second time, I cheated - stopped at a bar half way through the race to drink a beer with the spectators, then took a short-cut through downtown Minneapolis which cut my distance by two thirds.

So this February, I am skiing the half-birkie or Kortelopet, which is a mere 23K. That's 15 miles to you and me. Have I been training? Hell no. Have I been taking advantage of our globally warmed skiing days? Hell no. Have I been waking up in the middle of the night with cold sweats and having panic attacks? Well, yes, actually. There are no pubs along this trail, my friend.

My sister-in-law just suggested that I take my video camera with me on this experience (cuz I need to carry more weight than my spandex leggings) and make a little mockumentary of the whole thing. You know what? I think I will. I hate my face and voice on film and it will be totally embarrassing when you see me crying (and I will be crying) but I'm going do it. Starting tonight. I'm going to video diary my stupid dumb painful journey to the Kortelopet. Starting right now, well, after this second glass of wine, I am going to begin my training.
That will be me! (the one in the back . . . way back. You can't really see me. I'm the one in the red spandex . . . oh, forget it.)

Let the countdown begin.

33 days to my doom.

Me and the American Birkebeiner (well, half of it, anyway).

Bring it on.

to be continued.....


Catherine said...

You go, Girl!

wildtomato said...

You are going to rock that race! Hey, don't forget that a hip flask is a traveling bar...

I dragged the old cardigan out over the weekend and finished knitting the button bands. I'll hopefully finish weaving in the ends tonight so I can get the garment blocking. Then, button time! I'll finish that thing if it kills me!

PJS said...

33 days??? ... I think you need a hot chocolate flask on one hip and a whiskey chaser on the other. It will be a long time to spend in spandex leggins.... We're all behind you!

PS.... Have you seen 'New in Town' If you havn't you have got to get a hold of it and see it... so funny.

marit said...

You are brave! When I turned 40, I just turned 40....

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Good for you! I look forward to that video...

livnletlrn said...

33 days, huh? No problem.


No, really, you can do it.


I'm trying to keep a straight face here. This oughta be fun.

Hey, shouldn't you be training right now? Don't forget your bottle of (blackberry brandy) sports drink for hydration.

Leslie said...

Wow, you are brave! I've never skiied before and it looks a bit scary to me.

Senja said...

Go Rani! Go!
I signed up for the half marathon again this year because I couldn't do it last year wish me luck! I am a little afaid to try it. I will be with you in spirit!

Kathleen said...

I turned 40 so long ago that I can't remember it. Actually, I did my best to forget it, so I guess I succeeded at that. Anyway, it was 50 that hit me a little hard. I haven't recovered from the shock yet...

cupcakefaerie said...

Awesome! You go, girl!!!

Take it from me, 40 is pretty darn great and I should know since I've been with it for a few years now.

Guinifer said...

I'll volunteer to do some filming if we are up for the Birkie this year!

Anonymous said...

You will do the race! This year I will become fifty years, but I do not worry. The age does not matter, it is important how old you feel.


Suvi said...

You can do it!