Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 2: Diary of a Wimp

This is an actual statement on the official North American Birkebeiner website:

"Attracts 2,500 skiers who want the challenge and excitement of a shorter-distance race
or recreational ski"


Is there really someone out there who's glass is so half-full (of shit) that they'd think a 23K aerobic, uphill ski race could be considered a recreational ski?

I am offended by that and I promise you all, I will be hunting these happy skiers down on February 27th.


marit said...

Skiing has NEVER been recreational...LOL!!! Go tell them!

(just for the record- I detest skiing...haven't skied since I was around 18,and my last pair of skies were actually wooden...)

Guinifer said...

I really have to introduce you to my 16 year old nephew, who also is planning on skiing the Kortalopet (SP?) He's been training with the Jr. Olympic team this Winter....

PJS said...

What is wrong with some people? a 23K ANYTHING isn't recreational, not skiing, not walking, not cycling, not running.... The only skiing I enjoy is of the downhill variety, with lifts for the uphill bit.

cupcakefaerie said...

Uphill? Who skis uphill? That's crazy talk!

Sonja said...

Yeah, that's just plain propaganda! But, anyway, you can do it!

(And by the way, bring on those video diaries! Accountability for training!)

livnletlrn said...

Methinks the spandex fumes have impaired their noggin functions.

UPHILL skiing? What sadist came up with THAT?!