Thursday, March 8, 2012

Road Trip

Preparations for a road trip with my sister and her two little kids went something like this:

Super Aunty makes a special stop on the way to pick up her sweet little niece and nephew.  Oh, and my sister, too.  She's pretty cute.

Walk into family owned donut joint (owned by a fellow Ole), thinking how cool of an aunt I am.

I notice the Snap Fitness to my left and Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating on my right.  I pay no attention.

Climb in my car and take inventory of my donut stash.  

Yes. . . that's bacon.

Stop at Starbucks for a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
 Pick up passengers and ensure their comfort and happiness (hence the donuts)

 And off we go!


livnletlrn said...

I am SO glad that box of donuts is in Minnesota and I'm in CT because, otherwise, WANT.

wildtomato said...

Coolest. Aunt. Evah! That box o' donuts looks like trouble!

Linda said...

Oh dear! The donuts and coffee will certainly fill you with lots of energy!! (even if it's for a short time). Hope you all have tons of fun!

Neuroknitter said...

Yum yum yum!!! Looks like a well-balanced meal to me!!

Happy road tripping!!

Guinifer said...

What was the verdict on the bacon one?

Harpa J said...

Bacon? Really? Bacon? Wow.

Sonja said...

Oh, wow. I need me some bacon donut... :p I'm googling this place as I type!