Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I finished my slash-handled bag.  I returned the library book before I had a chance to read the pattern, so I fudged it.   
Here she is pre-felted on my front porch.

And here she is drying in the warm sun after a good washing.  

And here she is after I left her outside for a moment to go warm up my coffee.


You wouldn't know anything about this, would you?
Specs:  Knit Picks Wool of the Andes (nice buy).  Chained 150 and worked a tube with two rows of double crochet for each color.  For the slash handle, I worked 25 stitches, chained 25 (and skipped 25 stitches), then continued dc for 25 stitches - repeat for the other side.  When I came around for the second row of that color, I triple-crocheted across the top of the handle and then fudged it when I joined the other side.  If you try it, let me know and I'll give a better description.  It was fast and fun.  Perfect bag for a gray spring day, don't you think?


Guinifer said...

Ah-hahahaha! Dog ridiculousity! Love it!

Erica said...

Such a vibrant and lovely bag :D

wildtomato said...

How cheerful! Everyone can use a bag like that.

Linda said...

oooooo, pretty bag! Must copy pattern for future reference. Love the colors!

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

LIKE! Cute bag.