Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zombies! Run!

 I do not enjoy exercising all that much and from the looks of a lot of people around here, I'm not the only one.  So I have to tell you about what actually got me moving and . . . brace yourself . . . I enjoyed it!
If you have an iPhone (I don't, but my son does . . . long story) there is an app called "Zombies, Run!". You turn it on and go for a walk/run (for real) and zombies chase you (not for real).

It is so funny! If you slow down, the zombies will start to catch up to you and you can hear them moaning and dragging their feet. There is a storyline to go along and the background music is your own playlist. So fun!
Throw your running shoes and your headphones on and start the app.  You can turn off your screen and it will continue to play, so you can run hands free.  Each "mission" is about 25-30 minutes, which is a good length for a workout, don't you think?  
Here is the link:  Zombies! Run!


Lorraine said...

No luck finding you on Facebook. Grrrr. Help.

Guinifer said...

I can't run, but this sounds like a riot!

wildtomato said...

Zombies scare me, so I guess that would be one way to keep me running. As it stands, I usually listen to podcasts as I run like Freakonomics or Radiolab.

Kathleen said...

OMG, running hurts my knees sooooo bad! Can I walk?

Heidelweiss said...

I'm all over this. Zombies scare me to death and I would run my guts out if they were after me. Thriller was the fear of my childhood and then I Am Legend came out and I was toast.