Friday, March 2, 2012

Fiber Artists Rock

Most of you already know all about the "yarn bomb".  But for folks who visit my blog (thanks mom) and may not know:  this here is a seriously kickin' yarn bomb - all the way from Germany.  I might also point out to those of you who have either not come out of the crochet closet that this little example of yarn bombing is done with the crochet hook.  Thank you very much.

I did not take these pictures.  I took them from THIS website which is entirely in German and I can't read a lick. 


livnletlrn said...

That is awesome and beautiful. I hope somebody remembers to take it off in a couple of yrs, before it strangles the tree.

Babajeza said...

I just found your blog. Your picture is great.

But I have one too. Being in a class camp in the Alps I saw this beautiful cable car and had to take photographs:

It's a campagne of the hand craft teacher in Glarus to encourage knitting and crochet.