Thursday, March 15, 2012

Taste the Rainbow

The kids made this chilly fella a few weeks ago. 

I went outside to take a picture, but he had entirely vanished.  You see, it's hot.  I mean, 70 degrees hot.  Not your average 35 degree March thaw.

Strange weather does strange things to people, so between stints of crocheting my rainbow-colored slash handled bag . . . 

and throwing the ball for ol' whats-her-name . . . 

I made this for my dad's birthday.  Straight out of the 1970's church potluck experience.  The original may have had some marshmallows in it, too, but I thought this was pretty enough as it was.

So here is what to do:
  1. Buy 6 small boxes of jello in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple and a large container of sour cream.
  2. Dust off your bundt pan.
  3. Pour 1 cup boiling water into the first color and stir for about 2 minutes.  
  4. Pour just over 1/2 cup into a bundt pan and chill outside (if you're cold enough) or the fridge for 15 minutes.
  5. Mix 3 Tablespoons (or a nice big glob) into the remaining jello and whisk until it smooths out all the little chunks.  
  6. After the first layer has set for 15 minutes, GENTLY spoon the creamy layer on and set it in the fridge for another 15 and start the next color.  

HA!  That's it.  Add fruit or marshmallows or whatever your grandmother used to do. My grandmother would put shredded pineapple and pastel marshmallows in hers and I believe she used cottage cheese instead of sour cream. 


wildtomato said...

My mom makes rainbow finger jello, too! I think she uses sweetened condensed milk mixed with gelatin for the white layers. Ah, this totally brings me back!

Guinifer said...

You ARE all about the color right now, aren't you?