Friday, October 19, 2007

My Name is Rani and I'm a Yarnoholic

I have a problem. A serious yarn problem. Yes - go ahead and laugh you "non-knitters". But it's true. It's starting to affect my family and friends. A few days ago, my hubby kindly and gently showed me the credit card bill with various charges to places like Wool Girl and Knit Wits. And he went on to suggest that I take a hiatus from purchasing any more yarn.

"Sure!" I
responded, a little too cheerfully, "No problem." (internal shudder) "No problem at all." (nervous giggle)

But oh my goodness, I thought -
Yarntini is coming! My next sock of the month isn't for another month! My Christmas Sock kit won't come until December! I felt myself getting desperate. I had to figure something out.

And the yarn goddess smiled down on me. That credit card purchase . . . well, one of them anyway, came in the mail today - just in time to prevent a woolly nervous breakdown:Gorgeous, marvelous, roll-around-in-it sock yarn!
My purchase from WoolGirl - phew - just in time - the perfect Fall yarn.

A packet of Soak to wash out those nifty knits.

Chocolate for my 'other problem'

The yarn is by Painted Skeins. And it's perfectly lovely. Sigh. All is well.


Guinifer said...

It may not seem like it, but my yarn diet really did help me to slow down. Now Ravelry is helping me to face the stash.

Neuroknitter said...

Yarnoholics unite! Your Nod-to-Neuro sock is lovely, absolutely gorgeous! Your picot is perfect and your photo of it is great!!! Thank you for your kind words...I'm deeply touched...I seem to be speechless now. :)

picperfic said...

phew....I need to take stock is such a delicious feeling buying yarn isn't it? That yarn looks absolutely delicious!

PJS said...

*giggle*.... I know what you mean. I hadnt finished piecing drops together when I bought some new blue wool today and I am already in the middle of various other things with 2 other yarns.... not to mention the bag I keep it all in is no longer large enough.

Your new stuff is absolutely gorgeous. what are you going to do with it?

Lorraine said...

Welcome to Yarnaholics Anonymous. I'm fighting horrible temptations right now, as my mojo seems to have departed for warmer, sunnier regions and I feel a desperate need to hunt for it in various yarn shops and online vendors.

I haven't seen the new Vogue Knitting yet but the comments regarding it are interesting, so say the least.

Anonymous said...

I too am a Yarnoholic. Fortunately (or not so fortunately depending on how you look at it), I don't have a hubby to complain about how much I spend on yarn. But the amount I have spent this week is ghastly!!!

The new yarn is yummy, I don't remember that colorway. I wonder if they still have any more, I wonder if I can get it.....

Cloudberry said...

The yarn is beautiful!!

And you have a great blog :)

Kathleen said...

I'm a yarnaholic, too, but the complete LACK of cool and interestng yarns here has slowed down my habit considerably. But in November, I'll be visiting the US and stocking up! Pray I don't overdose.