Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Window Shoppin' in Aspen

So after a delicious dinner at a Chinese restaurant, what is a gal to do.
(and yes, it was her idea to dress like the karate kid and stick chopsticks up her nose and who's to stand in her way).

Why. Window shop, of course.

This little girl dress? Oh, about a million dollars.

And this one? Maybe around a million billion. But I'm just guessing.

And these mittens?

Who cares. 

We knitters can whip these suckers out in one evening of American Idol, am I right? 

 But I DO want one of these.  Just cuz.

And here, the kiddos run off some Chinese food induced steam by livin' it up at the skate park, sans wheels.

1 comment:

Neuroknitter said...

You need a swallow your coffee before proceeding warning...that top picture is made my day!! Thank you!

Now back to cleaning up my monitor! LOL :) :)