Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hold onto your cowboy hats!

Yep.  Another FO.  AND it's crocheted!  Mwoo ha ha haaaa.

Just stand back and try not to inhale my dust, baby.

Green Crochet Doily Thing (aka this ain't your granny's doily)
Pattern: Spider Web Doily by Coats and Clark
Yarn: Knit Picks Felice "Green Veggies"
Hook:  Can't remember.  Something rather small.

This ditty of a doily is on its way to Texas to visit my good old buddy Tiffy.  Let's call her Texas Tiffy to be cheeky.  Bye, Doily. Have a nice time.  And take pictures when you get there.

I have in-law family coming from Iceland  on Sunday and I am supposed to be clearing a path from the front door to the dining room table.  The plan is that I'll be organized enough to serve them dinner.  I have also decided that now would be a good time to paint the living room, which also acts as our dining room.  There are yellowish test spots all over and spackle covering up years of pockmarks left over from our Toddler War days. 

So this obsession with finishing my yarn projects has really messed me up.  That and the whole 'going back to work and spending my spare time as a cab driver for my children and their friends' is really putting a big blotch on my To Do list.  I have exactly 34 hours (if I don't sleep) until the Icelandic "association" shows up on my cobweb infested front porch.  Wish me luck.


Guinifer said...

It looks like it comes from Ireland! You're sounding a bid giddy this morning. Is it stress?

livnletlrn said...

Uh oh. Somebody's been bitten by the crochet bug!

How considerate of that butterfly to stay perched on your mum during the photo shoot.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

The doily looks very festive!

Wishing you luck and great fun with you Icelandic family!

Caroline said...

That sure wasn't my granny's crochet doily thing! Even though I like the old fashioned ones too, ha, ha. You've been so productive. I've been kind of stagnated, lots of unraveling going on, but not much progress.

Enjoy your fall weather. We're still kind of hot although it's pretty nice on the coast.

Texas Tiffy said...

waiting for my beautiful suprise:)

randi K design said...

This is very pretty! It is fun with crochet! How is your EZ jacket coming along?
My dogs are OK... I was just showing them off, they are old..10 and 15..

Neuroknitter said...

Wonderful doily! It sure brightens up these gray fall days we've been having!

Love the butterfly in the second shot!!!