Monday, September 20, 2010

Time for Fiber

I have found a spare moment to crack out my latest project.  It's late.  Kids are sleeping, or faking it - either way, they're quiet and peaceful so I'm not going to check.  And Mr. Man here is snoring away.  

So I am listening to a book on my laptop with headphones and sneaking in a few inches of a baby blanket for my cousin.

True to my nature, the damn thing wasn't done in time for the baby shower on Sunday, so my sister added my name to her card and gift.  (Thanks, Kage)  That gesture ensured that I have three more weeks to finish before the baby is born - if all goes well.  Notice the crochet needle?  I feel like I'm committing a sin, cheating on my knitting needles, somehow.   Doing something dirty.  The needle is aluminum, too.  Ick.

Thanks for your comments regarding the kids and their hectic schedule.  There were those who commiserated and those who gently reminded me to appreciate these days before they're gone.  Nice to have folks out there to nudge me along.

Happy knitting (or, shhhh, crocheting).


livnletlrn said...

Um, Sweetie, it's a crochet HOOK, not needle. :-)

I love crochet. Haven't done it in a long time, but I love it. So fast, so easy to rip out and change. Enjoy!

marit said...

Lovely colours! Crochet is fun. I used to do it all the time, before I was attacked by the knitbug...

Oh, and a tip: try holding your hook like a pencil, I think it's a lot easier, and gives you more control...but maybe that's just me...

Guinifer said...

I can't make a crochet hook work any way that I hold it, so I'll commiserate over that!

I stayed up late working the needles last night, and wasn't that weather weird?

Ally Jay said...

There are never enough hours in the day to knit or to crochet. Too many other things seem to need doing darn it.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Late? You are not late. I mean - the baby isn't even BORN yet. SO you are way EARLY sister :-)

Heidelweiss said...

Sssssinner. I'm actually going to learn to crochet at my next knitting night. I've always wanted to make granny squares. And so it is. ;) V v nice of you to be making a baby blanket. It's adorbs.

Willow said...

Crochet is a legitimate fiber art form. So I've been told. I can make granny squares but that's about all. I hope you get a few more hours soon to finish the project.