Friday, September 17, 2010

I don't really have anything to share right now other than to tell you that I'm extremely irritable.  I have been unable to touch my needles for some time now.  I've simply been too busy running around like a squirrel with an overloaded backpack trying to cross the road during rush hour. No.  Even better.  I feel like I've been herding squirrels across a road in rush hour traffic.  Yes.  That's it.

Would anyone like to adopt three very busy little children or can I hire you as my personal assistant/driver and you can just take care of my kids and their commitments while I knit?  Anyone? Anyone?


marit said...

LOL! I've been doesn't get any better...not until the oldest gets a drivers license and can drive his younger siblings around! Or you could quit working and knit during schoolhours...Or maybe I should send you my 15-yearold, she's really good with kids!

wildtomato said...

You clearly need to learn how to knit and drive at the same time. (Seems just as dumb as texting and driving, an illegal endeavor here that I still see happening all the time.)

Caroline said...

I tell you, Carol Brady had it made. She just had Alice take care of all of the kid stuff and the cooking, and then she could do stuff like....well, what exactly is it that Carol did?

It's kind of a strange feeling when things do finally start to slow down with kids. Every once in a while, I miss getting up at 6:00 A.M. to driving to all-day soccer tournaments two hours away, and things like that, but NOT very often, ha, ha.

Thanks for "Chicken" flick suggestion. Loved the old lady who gave her chicken a bath! Also thanks for the "Rowdy" suggestion. Russ said that he had thought about Lyme disease too, but he said it's very rare in our area...and Rowdy seems to still be on the mend.

Hope things slow down for you a little.

Heidelweiss said...

Hahahah! I feel like that too and I only have two very young'ns.

Guinifer said...

As many times as I wanted to tear my hair out, it's is always lovely to be needed.

Caroline said...

Ha, ha, I had to tell you that you gave me a laugh (out loud) with your "Sweetgrass" comments. The young cowboy did seem so cool and in control, especially with "slow-witted" John, but the impressive cursing tirade and the scene with him crying to his mom was so pitiful. Did you see the "In Memorium" at the end, to that sheep ranch? It made me sad to think it was their last run...although maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.

Anne Marie said...

Ha! I have an application in for personal assistant, baby sitter and five hours more per day. So far no positive responses.

Warm hugs and positive energy is sent to you!