Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer has left the building.

Summer has quit.  And she didn't even give us a two week notice.  That explains why my children are either at school today dressed in shorts and t-shirts or pants that are so small and tight, they are sure to land my oldest in the geek-squad.  Poor kid.  Sorry.

In any case, Senora Autumn is on the job, blowing at my north facing windows and reminding me to turn up the knitting mojo.

True to my word, I am knocking off my old knitting projects.

Specs for Hubby's Boot Socks - this is his third pair - they've become a favorite.  The yarn lasts a long time with a lot of wear.
yarn - 
needles - five
pattern - basic sock pattern
Just in time for fall outdoor adventures.


Guinifer said...

Either that, or heaven forbid, turn up the heat!

Neuroknitter said...

beautiful blue!!!

Summer has left the building, indeedy!! We had rain and gray this morning...I thought I was ready for it, but I'm not! Ack!!

Bring on the knitting!! :)

PJS said...

Another one bites the dust!

Weather is miserable here but still can't knit as my little helper doesn't permit it.

The socks look great, looking forward to seeing some more FO's soon!

livnletlrn said...

I love thick, woolly socks and wear them all winter long. Why on earth have I never knit myself a pair? Just might need to do something about that.

Meanwhile, yeah, chilly here too. I'm wearing long sleeves, thinking about closing the window by my desk and changing from shorts into jeans.

marit said...

We've had some beautiful, sunny warm days here lately- summer finally arrived!- but the nights are dark and cold and clear...

beautiful blue socks!