Friday, September 3, 2010

Is that the north wind I hear?

Alright, alright.  For all the yammering on about how much I love the heat of summer, there was something uplifting about waking up to 60 degrees and gray scuttling clouds.  It's knittin' season.

Here's a crappy picture I took of the view from my pillow taken by my laptop (my laptop was sitting on my nightstand and the camera was way over there on my dresser - simply too far away).

Those clouds are moving fast.  This is a good omen - I have those UFO's queued up - turns out there are more than eleven after I cleaned out my knitting bin, cupboard, bag, another bin, a couple of bags I found in my closet, a wad of project under my bed - you get the point.  This weather is a sign that knitting will be productive this fall.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Oh! I am jealous, jealous, jealous of your view. Even when we have nice weather, which we will two more months, my view from our bedroom window is of our faded hot tub cover, ha, ha. I love the ocean and lakes. That's one of my goals, to live near the ocean or on a lake!

Did you make up that bunny pattern in your UFO post? It looks so cute.