Friday, September 21, 2007

Anniversary Phase II - Knitting Stuff

OK, here are some socks I'm knitting for Lunker (8 years). Started them on our BWCA camping trip.A sweater for my niece who's 1st birthday is fast approaching and I need buttons!Elizabeth Zimmerman's February Baby Sweater
Knitters Almanac

And my cool sock club socks. Love-em.

Anniversary Trip - Phase II
"Paddle In"

yes. that is frost on my kayak. it was cold.
He is in his element.
Cool rocks.
This loon was about 15 feet from my Kayak and had a chick with her.
And yes . . . I brought my knitting.
I made sure to bring along a mindless project but added the element of 'self-striping' wool to make things interesting. I'm not yet sure if I can knit a pair of socks using only gray. That's just to much monotony.

Next week:
  • more of the anniversary trip
  • mom brought me some stash from her Europe trip!
  • a finished baby sweater (keep those knitting fingers crossed on that one)
  • finished socks for Lunker who has yet to receive a piece of knitting from his dear mother


Guinifer said...

Your trip looks like it was lovely. Hard to believe that it's so warm and humid now, isn't it?

Yes, we are the Eagles (though at 6th grade with 6 EP teams - they go by team color, thus EP Black). They actually played last night - it turned out to be a nice night for football once the Tornado Warning passed! Puck's team won 30-7.

Your sock looks great, my socks are lining up on my desk to be knit as I've picked up some sweater knitting for now.

renee said...

The pictures from your trip looks just gorgeous!! Even though it looks like it must have been freezing cold, I'll bet you had a great time.

Your new socks are gorgeous too!

Lorraine said...

Man, you have come so far with your knitting! That cardi looks fabulous!

(sniff) I can remember when you needed my help with knitting. They grow so fast . . .

Lavender Brocklehurst said...

Love you photos. Thanks for leaving a comment at Hogwarts 2 about my yarn!

Anonymous said...

Love all your inventive sock shots :)