Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Help Please

Can you share your SOCK KNITTING secrets on how to measure/cast on for a perfect fit? If my ankle is 8 inches, if I cast on for 8 inches - won't that be baggy? How much should I subtract? HELP!


Heather said...

Heh. Yeah - I noticed that your socks appear to be a bit baggy around the ankles in your pics! I think you have teeny, tiny, skinny ankles, lady. I'm conquering it by lots of ribbing. You need the extra amount of stitches to go around the wider part of your foot, or you'd never get your foot in there!


Guinifer said...

Hey Rani - I REALLY recommend you check out Sensational Knitted Socks or More Sensational Knitted Socks. She's got complete instructions on how to figure out stitch numbers etc. Not to mention some great stitch patterns.

Heather said...

I think usually, the negative ease for socks is about 10%. But you are suppose to determine your sock circumference by the ball of your foot (wide part below the toes.) So you can cast on a skinny cuff and increase for the heel or do toe up and decrease for the leg...

p.s. your first aid story cracked me up... but the part that mattered, the marble came out!!

Leslie said...

I also recommend the Sensational Knitted Socks book. It's my sock "bible" and has lots of great help on measuring as well as variations to follow that are easy to understand.

Kathleen said...

Alas, I am still sockless, so I am unqualified to comment or give advice. But it does seem that ribbing might solve some of the problem.