Monday, September 3, 2007

The Great Minnesota Get-Together!

Got there early to beat the crowd. So did everyone else.
Thought we'd beat the heat. Not successful. Here are a wilted Lumpy and Bell.
(waiting for a Pronto Pup - fried/battered hot dog on a stick)

Midway: FUN FOR YOU, HOT AS HELL FOR ME!DNR POND. LUMPY, "Can I fish here!?"

Shame on us! We're raising a 'city girl'. (the calf is just a few hours old)

1 comment:

marit said...

It does look like fun-even if it is hot and humid. And you've still got summer! We're wearing woolsweaters-it is 10 deegreesCelsius and raining...
Love the "city-girl"!