Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Aaaah. September. The air turns crisp and cool and the wool basket calls to us. I began reading Elizabeth Zimmermann's "Knitter's Almanac" - the chapter titled, "September - Nether Garments". There is a picture of some scratchy looking long-underwear of the type that my Icelandic mother-in-law remembers wearing.

Anyway, she says (and this goes for you non-knitters, too), "September is the logical beginning of the year. Summer heat is nearly past, the weather begins to brisken up, schools open their doors to siphon our beloved young out of the house for longer or shorter periods, adult activity starts to stir, and Mother forms good resolutions and makes lists."

It's true. Here's my list:
  1. Make hats for everyone.
  2. Finish my "Golden Snitch" socks. (Nancy Bush's Friday Harbor pattern)
  3. Figure out how and when to wear day-glo yellow socks.
  4. Remain undaunted by EZ's February Baby Sweater pattern and finish IT!
  5. Spend more time playing with my kids (not folding towels and watching them play).
  6. Spend all spare moments with beloved old dog who is, to put it plainly, "circling the drain".
  7. Try to have a 'hot meal' planned for every night.
  8. Try not to knit past 11 PM.
  9. Try to write every day (not including my blog).
  10. Consider making 'nether garments' for entire family (then quickly "un"consider it).
The list goes on, but things like Teach Myself Icelandic and Become a Proficient Guitar Player are included on another sort of list that mocks me from inside my journal. The kind of mocking that says, "Buy a guitar." and "Become proficient in your own language first." Knitting is a fool-proof way to ensure success. You can always fall back on the tried and true square, garter-stitch potholder if all else fails. Hmm. I may just add that to my September list.


Heather said...

suggestion for #3... Mondays and snow days. Perfect day-glo-yellow days. And don't let the lists mock you, they exist at your pleasure, easily torn and scratched. Happy New Year!

Guinifer said...

Nice list - you certainly cheered up my melancholy day.

knitting elephant said...

I like your list, and as previously posted, lists are easy to dispose of! I also LOVE the color of the Feb sweater! I can't wait to see the finished product!!