Friday, July 13, 2007

I've Got A Golden Ticket!

Despite my often-pessemistic outlook on our human race, there is the occaisional reminder that people (most people) are really, truly, decent people. This is especially true with knitty people.

For no more reason other than to be nice, Lorraine stopped by and dropped off these!
She had read that I didn't have stitch markers and I was using safety pins. She made these! Isn't that the nicest thing? I am so touched! I absolutely love them. AND Lori, I had to use them last night on Chocosocks! They matched with the brown and raspberry. I LOVE THEM THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!

Looky looky at Project Spectrum installment #2.
AAAAAhhhhh! It's going to be like knitting with banana butter. It's called Golden Ticket and I absolutely love it. It's sitting on my nightstand with Vampire and Brady Bunch (won that in a contest).
And whenever I hold it in my arms, I hear Charlie Bucket singing, "I have the the Golden Ticket" and I begin to whistle. My husband is beginning to think there might be a problem. I think that my good, enabling, bloggy friends will concur that this is normal behavior for an obsessive knitter.

Also, I joined this
Woolgirl sock club (haven't told husband yet - might hide this one in the closet). There is still time to sign up. Guinifer, help me!


Heather said...

You are a spoiled girl!! Very nice! Love that "golden ticket," too. And stitch markers become a bid excessive, too, especially when people start refering to them as "yarn jewelry." oops :)

marit said...

the stitchmarkers are really cute- it is nice to have good friends!
and the yellow yarn is great! Thanks for your comment on my blog, cold, foggy days are great for knitting in front of the fireplace...
btw-i was reading your blog when your comment popped in-lol

Guinifer said...

Sorry, since it doesn't start 'til Fall and payment is not required until September - I jumped right on the Woolgirl Sock Club Bandwagon right along with you.

I really like the butter yarn - did you check out the Fawkes pattern I linked yesterday? That butter would look pretty sharp in that pattern.

Oh, and of course Lorraine brought you stitchmarkers. One of the nicest ladies I've never actually met!

Neuroknitter said...

I love the stitch markers!! They're really cute! That golden ticket is scrumptious...I've been feeling a yellow phase approaching!

Thank you! Sherbet and Pixie Park were the colors I used for those Monkey socks!!! Tres yummy!!!

Happy knitting!

Lorraine said...

(blush) Awww, shucks. 'Twas nuttin. Love the golden ticket yarn. Are you a musical movie fan? I giggled because I could hear the song in my head, too. And it will probably be stuck there all night, too.

Kathleen said...

Lady Bugs! I love them...very cool that you got them as stitch markers.

renee said...

I'm in the PS Sock Club too and EVERY SINGLE TIME I look at that yarn, I start singing "I've Got a Golden Ticket". It's completely addictive!

Guinifer said...

he he come over and visit my blog today - you're in my post!

Anonymous said...

Love those lady bugs! :o)