Wednesday, July 25, 2007

NO SPOILERS! Reading and Knitting

Hi! I've been away for a bit. Here's why. It all started here:(Harry Potter block party)
Buying my copy of Harry Potter at midnight (my awesome sister came with me so i didn't feel so conspicuous around all those tweeners). I wore my awesome Hogwarts Socks which arrived at my doorstep just in the nick of time.I read solid until I was done - there's me getting a manicure for my birthday while my sister holds the book for me. OK, Ok. We staged that. I didn't really read during the manicure . . . that would have been rude.

Look what I finished. It's my third (i think) Noro scarf. (Scarf 1, Scarf 2)It is such a fast, easy knit and I think they're gorgeous. This time, I cast on 30 stitches hoping to make it longer and a bit thinner. I like the results.

So the pattern is (EASY) - size 9 US needles using Noro Silk Garden (two skeins).

With first skein CO 30
row 1 K1, P1 to end of row
change skeins
row 2 and 3 - K1, P1 to end of row
Change skeins
row 4 and 5 - K1,P1 to end of row
continue this way until you run out of yarn.


Lorraine said...

Thanks for the pattern. I have some Silk Garden Lite that I want to make into a scarf. Inspired by your #1 and #2, of course.

Happy Birthday!!!

Guinifer said...

I've had to wait until the 15 yo finished it - but I am starting it tonight. Can't wait. So how did you finish the scarf and read at the same time?

Kathleen said...

Very cool! I saw the last HP movie and loved it...I wonder if they'll ever make another movie or if the child actors at Hogwarts have grown up too much. The socks are great!

I've reopened my blog and things seem to be normal again. I've been posting and posting.

Doris Gorodok said...

Okay....I was beginning to think you had gone off the deep end when I saw the manicure picture. And, I was really starting to feel sorry for your sister having to hold the book for you, sooooooooo...I'm glad to hear the picture was staged!

Looking forward to being Second Year Gryffindors together this Hogwarts term!