Thursday, May 31, 2007


You guessed it. I bought more Noro yarn from Coldwater Collaborative and I'm starting another scarf. . . this one as a gift. I cast on 30 stitches this time with US 9 needles. A little thinner and a bit longer is my goal.

(Knit one, purl one - two rows from one skein),
(k1, p1 from second skein for 2 rows)
If you want tassles, you really need to buy three skeins.

I have to stop blogging every day. I love it, but it is very time consuming. So I'm going to cut back to Monday, Wed. and Friday . . . starting tomorrow. Maybe I'll have more knitting to report.

I can't knit all the time, so here's a non-knitting confession:
I used pesticides on my garden yesterday. It's been 10 years. 10 years ago, I sprayed something heinous on a plant and as I squeezed the trigger, mid spray - I noticed a green tree frog in the line-of-sight. Too late. It hit the little guy and he actually croaked - I mean, he ribbited-croaked. I didn't stay to see if he curled up and died because I dropped the bottle and ran screaming to my husband to try to save it. (that's embarassing to admit)

Anyway - organic for me all the way . . . until yesterday. I'd had it. I did research - found some crap that may not be harmful to frogs and doused my rosebush. I did it. I'm not going to apologize. It's done.
PS. Went to buy and organic chicken yesterday from CUB - $15. The regular was $5. Guess what I bought.


Kathleen said...

Beautiful yarn, as always. when I had a garden, I used to try to chemical-free, too, but the frickin bugs and caterpillers always overwhelmed me. Usually at least once a summer, I resorted to the chemicals. I tried picking them off and crushing them, but after a while, I couldn't keep up. I didn't feel bad. I did try to avoid bees when I sprayed, and tried to spray when there were no blossoms out, but damn the bugs and full speed ahead. WE ate well, but the bugs had to slow down some.

the "spine of the block"...they always say, "el banco està en la espalda", which translates literally as "the bank is in the spine". They mean it's on the other side of the block.

Leslie said...

The rose is beautiful! I'm trying to use organic products on my garden, but I've been known to resort to stronger stuff as well.

Guinifer said...

Nice scarf!
It's not the bloggin' that slows me down, it's reading everybody elses posts! I finally started an account over at BLoglnes - they can let me know what's new!

Kathleen said...

And there's that little grass guy again. He's a cutie!