Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Green Green Everywhere

Carnage from high winds.

Living here in Minnesota (especially this region), I can't stop seeing green. I live on the edge of what used to be called "the great woods", but now it's broken up and not so great anymore. We happen to live next to 44 acres of old growth sugar maples, oaks and some white pines. As we speak, the developers are tramping around this pristine 44 acres and taking huge oaks and maples through their chipper/shredder. I've been listening to this noise all day. A huge 'CRACK' as the tree falls, then the sound of the thing being fed into what must be a monstrous chipper. sigh. I really breaks my heart and hearing this all day is starting to wear me down. It's like something out of a cartoon. I can hear industrial cartoon music in my head as I listen to their machines. I need a beer.

Anyway, more knitting entries to come. Nothing new today but these green pictures in honor of Project Spectrum GREEN.


Jennifer said...

Hi - Thanks for your comments on my blog! I left instructions (sort of) on my blog for you. I love your snake scarf! And I love your Hufflepuff gift! Your pal will be very pleased!

Kathleen said...

I love trees. I hate it when loggers and developers move into an area, because mostly, they only have MONEY on their minds. NO regard for the land, no thought of the trees; most of their actions are driven by the money that will be brought in. Meh. We're chasing little squares of paper with a president's picture on it.

Lorraine said...

Whew, I knew the winds were high but, gracious! No damage near us,though. Love the photos. Guess you'll be teaching me photography!

Guinifer said...

Oh, Rani, I am so sorry. We used to live across 5 over by Lotus Lake. When we decided to move to EP, we looked at every house that went for sale over in your neighborhood. Realizing what was coming (212/312), we opted for the other end of the city. They're going to widen Pioneer Trail up by Staring Park as well and there are hundreds of huge trees in the park (by the Lacrosse field) that are going to be chopped down next summer (2008). Really, what are we doing?