Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just keep knitting. . .

Took a trip to the library: And picked up all my dyeing books. On a whim, I decided I would learn to dye my own yarn from the marigolds, bloodroot, etc. etc. found around my house. (Inspired by THIS) I checked out 6 books on the subject, promptly opened the first book, read such things as tin and lye and decided that I'm not really interested in dyeing.

kool-aid dyeing. I was inspired by this nice lady who, I believe, used egg dyes. So I returned those books and checked out these instead, with the idea that I will teach myself fair isle.

I finally sat down and read through
Saartje's whole blog and I am so inspired by all the mittens, gloves, wrist warmers etc. Although we head into summer, it's time to begin all those Christmas presents.

I bought this book with high hopes of knitting up cozy things for my kids. PROBLEM: The sizes go up to 4-5. My 4 yr. old wears an size 6 . I don't have enough experience to figure out the sizing. And when I mentioned this to the local yarn store ladies, I was met with blank stares. I don't think they want to help. I would experiment, but the cost of the yarn won't justify this. Just keep knitting. Just keep knitting. Just keep knitting, knitting, knitting. I'll get there!


Laura said...

you know, if you check the multiples of stitches, you should be able to increase the size easily. For example, if the multple of cast on stitches is 6, you can bring it 2 sizes up by adding 12 stitches!


Kathleen said...

Aren't there measurements that accompany the sizing? Measure your kids to determine how big to make the garments. Knit your swatch and figure out your stitches per inch and rows per inch, then use your measurements to determinehow many stitches you need. You can do this!

Wondering Through Life said...

I love your socks !! God granted me the gift to understand what nerve pain is, so wearing socks or shoes can be very painful at times, I wonder if some soft ones might help... umm...

Can I ask what you charge for them and if you could make me some ?? won't take much yarn, I only have a size 5 shoe, sometimes a 6, but not often. Please let me know. By the way, I found you via Kathleen's "Bag of Olives".

God Bless, Lisa Catherine

Lorraine said...

I have a book with sizing information that I use to translate patterns. If you'd like help, holler. You have my e-mail.

Heather said...

Wiltons icing colors and easter egg dye are what we used. look at the dying article on knitty
very informative... but beware... addictive, too. So much fun, so little time...