Monday, May 14, 2007

I'm back. No pics yet.

Just back from the cabin. Guess what. I FORGOT MY KNITTING! It's a 4 hour drive, people. Imagine the progress I would have gotten with my Hogwart Socks!

But the silver lining is that I was able to stop at Sisu - the yarn store in Ely. It's teeny-tiny and they had just what I needed. A ball of sock yarn and some double pointed needles.

I took my bloggy friends' advice and I started on the Monkey socks from Knitty. WOW! It's such a great pattern. This is the perfect pattern if you can only knit basic socks!! You'll need to know yo, k tbl, ssk, k2tg . . . that's about it . . . and it's fun.

On the way back down - I FORGOT MY PURSE which held ALL MY STUFF, including MY CAMERA - so I'll borrow my mom's and show you a picture as soon as I can.


Guinifer said...

Well, I hope it was relaxing at least?

Kathleen said...

Rani, welcome back! I hope it was a grand weekend! The alpacas on my blog are on my father's farm in Colorado, and so are the goats. My sister, Suzzanne, lives there also and the alpacas are hers. We are in the fiber business together, so I post the photos, promote the animals as well as I can, and knit my little fingers to the bone to support this business. It's fun and interesting, and when I go home, there's always some kind of a surprize or project going on.

Bad machine! I wish they would leave the trees where they are, but the contractor mentality is to destroy, then put things back as they see fit. Hmmm.