Sunday, May 6, 2007

Springtime shower, out goes the power.

A little treat for my Hufflepuff secret pal. I'll pop it in the mail tomorrow. I can't tell what it is in case she sees this post. Tee hee hee. It's completely unrelated to knitting or socks, but has some yellow in it (Hufflepuff colors: black and yellow).

Well, it's a blustery cool day here in Minnesota. The kids, surprisingly, are out on the tramp with their cars and trucks. The power went out around 1 am and my neighbor/sister-in-law said she'd come up with doughnuts and coffee. SO NICE! Our hubby's are away up at the cabin - Solvik, Ely. ( Solvik means "sunny bay" in Icelandic . . . technically it's not an Icelandic word, but sol is sun and vik is bay so there you go).That's Ruby on the porch at Solvik.
After our 8 year old threw his pizza crust into the weeds (tsk tsk) we found this bear track outside the back door of the cabin!

Here is a pic of my strange little footy I'm making. Cute, but I'm not really a summer-sock-wearing gal. But it's good practice on my circulars.


Kathleen said...

Pizza-eating bear? I love animals, but I don't know how comfortable I would be after finding a bear's paw print outside the door. I might have to look twice before going outside.

What's happening in Iceland? Is it really icey there? I've heard that Greenland is icier than Iceland is. Wow...that's a world away. Last week I was sweating my behind off in Ecuador and you've got family in Iceland. What an amazing world we live in.

Guinifer said...

Love the daisies!
The puppies are cute too.

Heather said...

Funny, I love my socks in the winter, come spring, I cannot wait to put them away and live in my Birks as long as possible. Before we moved east, I owned very few socks, now, my drawer overfloweth! heh. There has to be a perk! knit on, fun colors!

Lorraine said...

Such a cool post! Wasn't that wind yesterday something? Love the summer socks. You might find yourself wearing them more than you realize. Hand-knit socks are the tops for pampering yourself!