Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bye Bye Little Birds!

This scarf is expensive and just tedious enough that I can't cart it around with me. Also, I'm not sure if I like the colors. They looked good all balled up in the store with the nice lighting. The good news is that the scarf will probably go with just about any coat I wear, and once it's balled up around my neck, it may look really pretty. Hmmm. There is a section in here that looks sort of Rastafarian. Not that anything is wrong with that. It's just that I'm not a Rastafarian. I do hum "Three Little Birds" everytime I visit Little Birds Handmade. (sigh. she's leaving us bloggy pals) This woman is amazingly talented - and takes beautiful pictures of her work. But she is discontinuing her blog.

I pulled out K's (hubby) Choco-socks again. I believe that makes it the fourth time. But this time, I'm taking a deep breath and putting the yarn away until Fall. In the meantime, I'm going to practice my cables (which Lori so graciously took the time to teach me - THANKS!!!) so that when I crack that sock yarn out again, I'm going to whip up some unseemly, gorgeously cabled socks for my beloved.

This is an Icelandic kleiner. It's a bit like a doughnut, but not quite as sweet and has just a pinch of cardamon. A bit better than M & M's for breakfast, I dare say. (compliments of my mother-in-law)

And how about knitting soccer socks for this pinky-punk!
Just one more thing to add to my list of things to never get done. But check out the link. . . maybe I'll post the picture. I hope I don't get into trouble. I consider it free marketing for the pattern. I got it from atypically.knit.


Kathleen said...

I'm not Rastifarian, either, but WOW!, those colors really pop!

Lorraine said...

Mmmm! That Icelandic treat looks so good. Is the recipe available?

wheatgerm said...

Just keep kniting