Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Seeing Green

Project Spectrum Color of the month: GREENThis is my favorite sweater. Cotton. Green. Hood. (I bought it at the Gap on clearance.) How is this related to knitting? I haven't worn it in a year because some of the stitches in the hood were coming undone. Now that I have some knitterly skill, I was able to grab my crochet hook and pick up all the dropped stitches! I wore it yesterday despite it being close to 80 degrees. Hooray! Someday, maybe I'll be able to actually knit something like this.

In the meantime, I am going to pull out this:

and start again.


Guinifer said...

Is that one of the Vegi-tale guys in your green picture?

mary said...

I recognize that dog behavior when the barometer is dropping. Poor puppy. I like the green Gap sweater. I have a similiar one I bought from Talbots Outlet store years ago. I like the sweater so much I almost never wear it because I don't want it to wear out. How silly.

Kathleen said...

A vegi-tale Chiapet? The sweater is cool; I like green. I have a green sweater on the needles that has been waiting for me to pick it up again...maybe it's time. Thanks for the nudge!