Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Waiting for ewe . . .

I'm waiting. Waiting waiting for ewe . . . the first shipment of my Flavour-Of-The-Month club (from the Sweet Sheep shop) which should arrive any day now. Sigh.

The funny little grass guy from the last post was bought at the Minnetonka General Store. It's not a Veggietale's character, but it could be! The kids thought it was cool. They have different faces you can choose from. I think I found it in the toy section upstairs.


Guinifer said...

Oooo, The General Store - I can go into that place and leave with tiny packages and an empty wallet.

Guinifer said...

Hey - I tried to comment on your puppy post - but your comments were turned off! She really does look like Kona's sister!

Gryffinitter said...

I can't see the little grass guy but that is probably my dial-up - it can load AMAZINGLY slowly...anyway, just wanted to thank you for the link you gave me. I read the Moomins in JHS and you don't want to know how many years ago that was... I had no idea what the author's name was and never thought of just googling "Moomin." Thank you so much!


Kathleen said...

The General Store looks like FUN! The little grass he just growing his hair out, or is it something like wheat grass to juice through the summer? They used to be very popular a few years back, but I haven't seen one for a while now. Didn't they make their debut just after the Pet Rock lost it's popularity? Seems like everything goes in a circle, or at least in a spiral.

Lorraine said...

Anticipation . . . Don't forget to post about it, so those of us on a fiber diet can live vicariously. Just don't make me drool on my keyboard. (Mental note: I need to make a felted keyboard cover to keep the slobber off it while viewing all the enabler blogs.)